Monthly Archive: July 2019


Charlie’s #MomentsInTransition | Day 99

I have this vision of an elderly Sigmund Freud-type person, with my mind being probed and prodded while I lay in a half hypnotic state, crying my eyes out; fearing that any moment men with white jackets will come to take me away…


Let’s talk Demi.

We’ve talked Demisexual before, but I wanted to branch out to the other (even lesser known) Demi’s out there. There’s quite a few so I’ll keeping each short and I will likely skip out...


Let’s talk Purpose.

Operation: Iris is back today! 💕🌈🌸 We talked about a lot in the last Operation: Iris post. So much so that I had to question what the next post should be about. I could...


Operation: Iris (Agender)

It’s safe to say that most of us have a basic understanding of the four letters than in “LGBT”. But what about the other sexual and gender identities that help make up the community?...